Man, has it been over 4 months since Nakatomi's last one already? Time flies when you’re traveling through time in a Delorean.
Nakatomi Print Labs prints a LOT of stuff. And printing leads to mis-prints. Some misprints are just too ‘almost perfect’ to throw out. OTHERS are used as test sheets and printed over top of a whole bunch making unique one-of a kind prints.
Those are the scratch/dents! ALMOST perfect, but not close enough to sell. Some of them are signed, but instead of numbered, there’s an “X” in the corner. The 5 or so ‘If you’ve seen what I’ve seen prints’ are glow in the darks that we put in WAY too much glow ink. Made the other ink all pebbly, but still pretty neat. Trust me, there’s a lot more you’re not seeing.Yes, Test sheets! They’ve got like 25 of these, and one is going in each of the 1st 25 mystery tube orders. (more if they can scrounge ‘em up. They are printing every day!)
And of course, we’ll be putting in TOTALLY NORMAL prints that are on the site as well.
So here’s what you get-
Each tube will get you a random T-shirt in your size plus 4 prints- OR- No shirt and 5 prints.
As with all their Tube Sales, if you have ordered from them before, they’ll make every effort to make sure all NEW posters and shirts come your way! If you order more than one tube, they’ll do the same!
They probably have enough stuff for 50 tubes total, and as I’m writing this blog entry, they have about 35 left
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