Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Mariano Arcamone Star Anna Poster And Album Artwork




Here is Mariano Arcamone  latest poster & album artwork for Star Anna's new 7" single from HockeyTalkter Records (Mike McCready's record label).

Star Anna is an Ellensburg born, Seattle based singer/songwriter, she has collaborated and played with Mike McCready on several occasions.

Here are some words about the creative process from Mariano:
The songs were very emotional and full of pain, so after a couple of listens and inspired by some of the lyrics: "I can't stand the sound of my tears" and "the water shines over your eyes", the image of an eye with a tear quickly came to my head.

The main song of the single is called "Burn" so I thought it would be cool to make the vinyl jacket looks like a matchbook.

The chorus of that song has the phrase "I just wanna burn your memory away". After a couple of days working on a concept that fits well with that phrase, I got the idea of some kind of voodoo doll, but instead of having a rag doll to stuck some pins into it, I thought it would be cool to have a little wooden figure that you can burn to forget.
For the promotional poster he created the packaging for that wooden figure.

It's a 3 color screen print,
24" x 18"
100 lb Cover Standard White Paper
Limited edition of 50.

And it´s now available at:

And here is the link for the vinyl

For more information please contact Mariano at: info@marianoarcamone.com.ar

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