Wednesday, September 7, 2016

My Morning Jacket Red Rocks Posters by Guy Burwell Release Details


So a couple of people casually asked if  Guy Burwell would have any of his recent posters from the two shows at Red Rocks performed not so terribly long ago by the musical act My Morning Jacket. They are a lovely bunch of fellows and you should consider checking them out. These prints are a nice set of travel style graphics in a lovely matte finish in inks that are better than almost any other commercial ink in durability on a 100 lb natural Cougar stock. Signed and number they may contain magical properties designed to calm the blood, put a chillin' to the illin' and impart the ability to let that which does not matter truly slide, dig? Dig.

This Saturday, September 10, 2016, around 10:30 AM West Coast time Guy will make available some of his prints through his website GUYBURWELL.Com in both sets of two (matching numbers when possible) and also single date prints.

1 comment:

  1. blank

    Hello! Do you have any posters left from the May 29, 2016 show?
