Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Jonathan Burton Vertigo Movie Poster Release




Mad Duck Posters is excited to announce a new poster for Alfred Hitchcock's classic film Vertigo with art by the incredible Jonathan Burton!

This Wednesday, Mad Duck Posters is releasing the first posters in a new series of officially licensed art based on the amazing films of Alfred Hitchcock! They start things off with a phenomenal Vertigo poster by Jonathan Burton! Mr. Burton brilliantly captured the essence of the movie.

The artist had the following to say about his art for Vertigo:
"The scene of Madeleine floating in the bay surrounded by flowers directly reflects images of Shakespeare’s Ophelia. I used Sir John Everett Millais’s painting of Ophelia as my source of inspiration for her floating pose and the water’s reflection of Madeleine’s face became an interesting way to represent her duality.

The films use of colour is very rich with contrasting reds and greens. Madeleine and Judy are constantly associated with the colour green; her car, clothes, the cemetery, the lighting in the motel and the green water of the bay in which she throws herself. The reason I coloured the water such a strong shade of deep green.

My representation of Scottie is a direct tribute to the iconic original poster of Saul Bass with a graphic disorienting shape around his silhouette. In the two editions of this poster I wanted to try different ways of showing Scottie’s panic. The Variant edition uses the more classic ‘spiral’ which is synonymous with the film while the regular edition has the form of his silhouette zooming out. In this version Scottie appears to be running towards us but the zoom effect gives the illusion that he’s falling away. It’s a link to the nausea inducing special effect, invented by Hitchcock, of the camera lens zooming in while the camera pulls back. A technique that was used so effectively to represent Scottie's phobia."
Vertigo is available in three editions. A regular and variant edition of the Vertigo movie poster, along with a smaller companion print to the poster called "Have you been here before?". The companion print sets the stage for the events that are unfolding in the Vertigo poster and is a great print on it's own or next to Vertigo!

The edition details are as follows:

Regular - 24X36, 10 color screen print. Run of 225. $65
Variant - 24X36, 10 color screen print with metallic ink. Run of 125. $85
"Have you been here before?" - 4 color screen print. Run of 225. $30

All three screen prints will be released at 12PM Eastern time this Wednesday, September 28th here.  https://www.madduckposters.com/collections/posters

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