Thursday, February 3, 2011

Harry Diaz "These Hands" Exhibit

From Harry Diaz:
I'm exited to share that I will be exhibiting new work at Grand Central Art Center in Santa Ana, CA. "These Hands," which opens on February 5, is a body of work that explores the ambiguities of cultural identity and the difficulty one encounters communicating in a new society. With the use of color and pattern throughout my work, I hope to evoke a fading memory of my cultural heritage. Symbols and patterns that have references i...n Mayan textile and hieroglyphs reappear throughout the work. Serigraphy, which has a long tradition in Latin American art, affords me many serendipitous opportunities and allows me to evolve the imagery through the layering process. Along with limited edition prints, I will be showing paintings on paper. These explore the social and cultural frustrations one experiences as an immigrant living in Los Angeles.

Opening Reception
Saturday, February 5
7:00 - 10:00 p.m.
CSUF Grand Central Art Center Sales Gallery

125 N. Broadway, Santa Ana, CA 92701

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