Sunday, October 21, 2012

Tonight's The Black Keys Poster by Alex Lehours from Newcastle Australia




The tour of Australia and New Zealand starts TONIGHT in Newcastle! We've got a bunch of great artists from that part of the world lined up for the gig posters, and the first is Alex Lehours. As usual, a limited number of posters will be available for purchase at the show. 

Alex on the poster :

The idea behind the poster was to combine my style of art with the bands raw blues rock sound of music while trying to create a piece very different to what has been done before.
As a result I came up with this vibrant and chaotic mash up. While trying to incorporate subtle elements that relate to the band (ie submarine) I also wanted that sense of randomness and the "unknown"

This particular poster is screen printed in 2 different colour ways. One is a limited edition print and both will be sold at the Newcastle show October 21st.

The Black Keys
Newcastle, Australia 21st Oct 2012
Artist: Alex LeHours
Size: 24 x 18 inch. ( 609 x 457mm )
4 Color silkscreen. Ltd Ed 155
Stock: Cougar smooth opaque 100lb.

Beyond the Pale will be selling the regular posters and the variants after the Australia and New Zealand tour is over 

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