Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Nicholas Forker Eephus Pitch Print Release Details

Nicholas Forker is back at 1xRUN with a new print and new astronaut.

"I based this image off of performance test photos for the Mark IV suit proposed to the US Government by B.F. Goodrich. I thought their using baseball to demonstrate the flexibility of the suit iconic and sentimental. Astronauts were in my estimation the perfect semiotic metaphor for the narrative of the United States in the late 20th century. Watching us go from JFK's "...We choose to do these things not because they are easy but because they are hard..." to watching trans-generational pirates nearly bankrupting this country with corporate avarice. This image of the hero, the adventurer, an important symbol of human potential is relevant in summarizing in image recent history with an eye on the future." - Nicholas Forker

On sale today at Noon EST at

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