Monday, November 28, 2016

Winner of the Dan Mumford Man of Steel Poster


Seems like Flying was the overwhelming super power everyone wishes they had. I have to agree with everyone it would be a wonderful "power" to have, but it got me thinking. If you fly to high or too fast how do you stay warm ooohhh did not think about that did we ? Can you imagine a bunch of people flying around and all the clothing and shoes flying off ha.

Yes I know you want to know who won the Dan Mumford Superman poster. The winner did not even choose flying he wants X-Ray vision. And that person with comment #17 is Andrew Sochacki. Andrew shoot me an email with your address and French Paper Art Club will be shipping you the poster.

Thank you again to French Paper Art Club for providing the poster for the giveaway. Be sure to see all the great prints they have at

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