What’s better than one? Two, right? Try Three! Airborne Toxic Event recently did several shows in LA, a mini tour between several of the prominent music venues of the area. Two Rabbits Studio did a three poster series for them, pulled out all the stops and got wild with the printing process.
One of the benefits of printing all their own posters in house is it allows them to experiment. Try weird and wacky new things that give their posters a certain flare.
In order to keep them consistent as a set they decided to print them all at once, and cut them afterwards. They employed a process in which they drizzled different color inks directly onto the open screen prior to pulling the print. This makes each poster completely unique and totally different from one another.
On the poster, the sky area has a crazy mash of colors streaking across it, making it look like a true airborne toxic event! Check out the video to see this process in action!
Buy them HERE
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