Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pop-Sub 6 featuring Aaron Horkey on sale now


The final volume in the 1st season of the Pop-Sub is here!

Featuring prints by Aaron Horkey, Aye Jay, and Kevin Boettcher, this set is finally in hand and ready to ship!

Aaron, Aye Jay and Kevin are all good buddies, and gave us these awesome write-ups on each other- take it away, boys!

Aye Jay on Aaron-
“What i can i say about Horkey that already hasnt been said on countless blips of the interweb? That he rules? that he’s your favorite artist’s artist? That his modern take on long lost handstyles have shaken the poster world to it’s core?
It’s all been done. Shit, I even wrote that stuff about him in Monster Children 19! (uncredited!)
What i can say is this PopSub is a special one, because the theme isnt really in the subject matter, it’s in the participants: Friends. When my long gestating idea of this series finally came to light, Horkey was the first aboard, and i think that 89% of the subs sold were to Horkamaniacs (now full fledged members of the T.H.C.) not wanting to risk the chance of not being able to get this release, or for that matter ANY release the guy puts out. because like the tired catchphrase, it IS all good! His stuff continues to boggle my mind, much like it did when I was first introduced to it in 1996.
Aaron, Kevin, and myself were all part of a group show years ago, and while i was tempted to call this set “grass-ruse growing from concrete” i’m gonna hold off for now and tell you simply: friends. Guys who appreciate each others work, and support each other. While i know you guys are gonna dig the Horkey, and be ok with mine, it pleases everyone involved to introduce you to Kevin’s work. He’s a real talent, and amazing person, and someone who i cant get enough of. Much like my homie AH. Dude!”
-Aye jay!
Horkey’s print is 6.75×6.75 and is signed and numbered by Aaron in an edition of 120. Printed by Burlesque of North America on specialty paper.

Kevin on Aye Jay-
“Ok, so here’s the breakdown, plain and simple: Aye Jay is a do-er. And he does it better than most. What does he do? Pretty much everything. It’s not really something one can list off at this point, it’s both tangible and intangible. He can draw your pants off, seriously, name it, he’ll knock it out of the park in one sitting, but then play down his talent. He brings folks, far and wide, together for plans, plots and schemes that only Aye Jay could hatch and put in motion. His drive and his hustle are downright staggering, not to mention his willingness to reach out and help some unknown get a piece of the action. He’s down to help and help himself, as he should, it’s definitely deserved. After all, it’s Aye Jay, he makes things happen. He’s the dreamweaver.”

-Kevin B
Aye Jay’s print is 6.75×6.75 and is numbered in an edition of 120. Printed by Nakatomi on Curious Super Gold metallic paper.

Aaron on Kevin-
“Kevin and I happen to share a few key traits – obsessive compulsion of one form or another being paramount – so it’s no wonder we’ve been friends since high school. Together we’ve left our marks on varied surfaces since the late twentieth century, from the Hiawatha yards to the Ninth Circle of Hell (orange county, california) and I’m still thrilled to see anything that comes from the man’s well-worn Papermate. A true gentleman and an illustrative juggernaut alike, here’s to best secrets kept in the Midwest.”
-ahorkey, May 2011
Kevin’s print is 6.75×6.75, numbered in an edition of 120. Printed by Nakatomi on French Paper.
This set is available NOW in the Pop-Sub section of the store.
Because of the subscriptions sold, Nakatomi will only have 55 of these for sale to the public. There are currently 10 subscriptions left available to purchase, if you’d like all 6 sets from volume one.

Available HERE.

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