Ferg‘s newest Squadt, the Fr0g s001 [swamp dwllr], is a triumph in toy art engineering. Inspired by one of his favorite childhood toys, the G.I. Joe Frogman, the Fr0g Squadt occupies that wonderfully (Pantone warm) grey area of “playable” toy and “art” toy.
Fr0g features a brand new helmet, flippers, tanks, wet suit and frog eyes. He comes with an sMP5, spear gun and diving tanto (gun and knife are accented in a wonderful fluorescent green), and both classic arms and Squadt 2.0 articulated arms. Let’s not forget about the K11 spot companion (not shown, but also sporting a wet suit and flippers). You have to try to picture this stuff in 3D.
It was really important to Ferg for the Fr0g design to have an essence of the G.I. Joe Frogman, but retain the Squadt vibe. He obtained the counsel of a trusted source who confirmed that while Fr0g referenced the ancestral Frogman, he remained firmly within the Squadt oeuvre. Expert sleuthing has revealed this insight to have come from a conversation with Ferg’s 10-year-old daughter, of which Ferg proudly says: “I could totally tell she wasn’t bullshitting me.” How could she be? Fr0g totally rules!
It’s been a journey from his first sketch to the turnarounds to the prototype to the final production piece, and reckoning time is almost at hand. Fr0g s001 [swamp dwllr] is the inaugural Fr0g Squadt.
Buy Squadt Fr0g at https://insidetheposter.com/collections/squadt-figures-by-ferg-playge
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