Saturday, July 7, 2012

Tyler Stout Prometheus Movie Offer


Tyler Stout wants to trade your Prometheus movie ticket for something cool.

Details from Tyler :
so, i really enjoyed the movie Prometheus. saw it three times already. just saw it again last night. and i thought, 'hey, wouldn't it be fun to offer a free sticker to anyone that sends me their Prometheus ticket stub in the mail?'

and sarah was like 'that is going to be a logistical nightmare.' and i was like 'done.'

so, if you have a honest ticket stub (not some weird piece of paper or computer printout), and mail it to

tyler stout
16201 NE Caples RD
Brush Prairie WA 98606

i will mail you a sticker. maybe it will even be prometheus themed (OR MAYBE IT WON'T). it might take me four months to mail it out. or it might take 4 weeks. but regardless, if you're wanting a sticker, probably a 4" circle sticker, mail me your ticket stub.

RULES. theres always gotta be some rules.
1. one sticker per household. don't send me like 10 ticket stubs and expect 10 stickers. one envelope, one ticket stub, one sticker. don't send 2 envelopes. just one.

2. it has to be an actual ticket stub. that is recognizable as a ticket stub. otherwise you could just make something in photoshop and print it out. am i right? yes.

3. your envelope has to have your address on it. i can use new envelopes, but i need to have an address.

4. i think this is for USA residents only, unless you live overseas / canada and know that shipping a letter to you from the USA isn't like 10 bucks. i have no idea. if its under a dollar shipping the sticker back to you, i'm fine with doing it. but if its like 10$, then no.

5. one PROMETHEUS ticket stub. in an envelope. mailed to me. done.

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