Friday, June 15, 2012

The Frank Kozik Interview and Blink 182 Poster Giveaway


 Frank Kozik reinvented the gigposter scene starting in the mid 80's by starting with black and white flyers for friends’ bands posted on telephone poles, his reputation grew as an artist whose work was graphically compelling as well as culturally gripping. By redefining the Pop Art Subculture with his poster work people started to take notice of his work. He started Man's Ruin Records label and help give many small local bands the break they needed including Queens of the Stone Age. In 2001 he stopped all that to work on his fine art and once again helped to create a niche, the Vinyl Art Toy scene. After creating the iconic Labbit figure he continues to blow minds in vinyl toy world with all his creations, he even has one that is special order and life size. He has worked with companies from Nike to Oakley to Barneys to Kidrobot all the while doing things his way or fuck off. Now after 11 years away from doing posters, aside from a few here there, he is back doing posters and prints.

It is with great pleasure I give you Frank Kozik.

The biggest question on everyone's mind without a doubt is what brought you back to the poster scene ?

-Last year I did a pearl Jam poster, just for kicks and the positive response and the good dealings with the band put me in a positive frame of mind to do posters again. I have been doing small run art prints as well…and everyone seemed to like them so I figured, why not? My main work, the toys and design stuff is well organized these days and I have extra time so I decided to do a shit ton of posters and prints. Currently there's 16 in the pipe and more brewing. They all sell out right away its awesome.




Did the end of Man's Ruin Record label and 15 plus years of doing gigposters  burn you out on the whole music and poster business to the point of wanting to direct your artistic endeavors in a new direction which lead to the toys and urban vinyl figures ?

-Yes…burned out and just ready for something different. I got into the urban vinyl thing and its been great. Super fun, great collectors, lots of travel and so on. Very satisfying.


Why do you think all the different figures and vinyl toys became so popular ?  

-They are just cool. Who doesn’t like to collect weird fun stuff?

Who first got you into designing the toys and were vinyl figures your first choice for something new after the posters ?

- I was going to Japan a lot in the late 90’s and was there and knew the Japanese dudes that started doing the first ones there, so I just sort of hooked up with that scene. Couldn’t give em away Stateside, that’s really changed….

Being away from designing posters for more or less 11 years, what new ways do you approach the design now with all the different programs like Photoshop and Illustrator ? Are you still cutting rubylith film ?

-well, sad to say, its all processed on the computer in the end…I am still doing hand illustrations and so on, but it has to go thru the digital filter now, since I am not doing my own printing. My wife did find a place in Los Angeles that can still make big  real halftone film positives, so I am going to send some stuff down there and hand cut those seps, but its logistically complicated because I cant just go over there, stuff has to be sent back and forth and so on.

What are your thoughts on the current gigposter scene ?  Why do artist still get treated like crap by bands like Phish and what can be done about it ?

-I think there's a massive amount of insanely talented poster designers. I don’t know what the ‘Phish Situation’ is, so I can’t comment on that. The bands I have been dealing with are awesome.

In the past few years you have done collaborations with Jermaine Rogers and Shepard Fairey, any plans to work with anyone else ?

-I just did a collab with a guy ( secret for now) and it actually went well and the poster doesn’t look maybe that guy if there's a chance again..otherwise, no, it’s always weird. Ego and money issues. Fuck that shit.



What are your thoughts on the whole "variant" poster editions? Not the ones for like Pearl Jam and Blink 182 that were made for release at the show and different colors for the artist release. But releasing 20 variants of colors and paper choices

-I don’t like it. It is a scam. There should be ONE edition and AP’s should be limited to 10% only of the for sale run. Anything else is bullshit and a scam. Why not design a DIFFERENT poster or print instead of milking that cow until it shrivels up and dies. It also puts a burden on completist collectors. An unfair burden. Shit like this  killed comic book and sports collecting. Learn a lesson man.


Limited Edition Movie posters have exploded within the last 4-5 years what are your thoughts on them and will they continue or are they a passing fad ? Would you do you one if someone asked ? 

-I think its an amazing scene with a level far above ‘gigposters’. Some of it is just unreal. I did do an ElectraGlide in Blue poster a few years ago. I’d love to do another one someday but I do not think I have the talent required.

What artists have caught your eye in recent years ?

Horkey, Tyler Stout, Skinner….

Have you purchased any prints or art in the past 3-4 years and if so by who ? 

Some art…Skinner sculptures, Travis Louie paintings other random weird shit. Vintage posters..non musical.


What kind of times has the Charger posted at the strip ?  Do you have time you would like to hit ? 

Like in the mid 11’s. I am too old to be consistent and it’s a 4 speed manual so its more fun than a winner.


Any chance of an art print with Edward Goralsky (your cat)and the Charger ?  Or even a vinyl toy with him driving it? Or riding on a motorcycle ?



Now I promised a giveaway, Frank was kind enough to provide his recent Blink 182 poster for a giveaway. The poster is 22 1/2 x  35 inches, 8 color silkscreen on 140 lb. archival paper, signed and numbered, edition of: 100 

 Now go to the top of the post above the picture and click on comments to leave a comment about MOPAR, CATS or ART to have a chance at winning the poster. Don't worry if your comment does not appear immediately I have to approve them before they are published. I will use the random number generator to pick a winner. Entries are limited to ONE PER PERSON PER HOUSEHOLD. Please leave your name with the comment, comments without names will not be accepted. Entries will be accepted until midnight PDT Saturday June 17  that's two days to enter with the winner announced on Sunday.

Since some people can't read instructions if you leave more than one comment I will be deleting them all and you will have to do it again, meaning if Sally leaves 3 comments I will delete them all and she will have to do it again. ONE comment per person. It's not that hard, we're not saving lives here just giving away a poster.

HUGE THANK YOU to Frank Kozik for the interview and giveaway !!!  Be sure to check his website


  1. blank

    i had a cat named zeus when i was 10, miss him still great cat!

    rich morsa

  2. blogger_logo_round_35
  3. blank

    Music and art is a beautiful but difficult combination.

    Punk,rock and art in one picture is a perfect way to frame and hang in your room

    The way frank brings music,cars en art together is just fantastic !

    I really loves his work and looking forward to see what he does in the future


    Axel Falmagne

  4. blank

    Count me kozik and love cats. I have a 25 pound diabetic Maine coon cat named Alvin....he thinks he is a person !!!

  5. blank

    This is Christopher Jones reporting.....I find it hard to swallow when the godfather of the gig poster scene says he's not talented enough to do something in the art world. I think if Kozik did a movie print for Mondo it would sell out in seconds on the day of its release. I'm sure with his love for American muscle cars, he could do a rad Steve Mcqueen movie print and incorporate his second love.

  6. blank

    Long live MOPAR (Road Runner is my fave)...and long live Frank, a true master!

    Cheers Paul

  7. blank

    I love CATS and ART!!!
    jeff m.

  8. blank

    Frank has amazing artwork. hope I win this

  9. blank

    Nice work. Found it interesting that he praises Jermaine Rogers in one answer, and then slams artists who release endless variants in another.

    My favorite Kozik piece I own is an old Experimental Audio Research picture disc record. The art is of a crazy cartoon cat who endlessly chases his tail thanks to the locked grooves that end each side.

    Chad Thomas

  10. blank

    Great article! Hope I get lucky and win!

  11. blank

    Great interview!

    The first poster I ever bought off of ebay was a Frank Kozik "The Future is Stupid" print.

    Now I buy Kozik toys. How times have changed. :)


  12. jerangela

    I frame so much cat art here in indiana its crazy! Cats sailing boats, Cats driving cars, Cats fishing etc. Welcome back Mr. Kozik, looking forward to your releases!

    Jeremiah Kuch

  13. blogger_logo_round_35

    Awesome interview.......Charger is super badass!!
    Kozik ain't too shabby either!!

    Not a contest entry Gary, already got this poster!!
    Just admiring the talent on both ends of this interview!!

    If I do get randomly selected, just pass it on!!!

  14. blank

    Nice charger! Classic muscle.


  15. blank

    ART - ronald Ragens bust? and then church hill giving the peace sign... very cool artical thanks for sharing

  16. blank

    Awesome interview, and quite the nice poster you're giving away (Thanks to the both of you for both things!)!

    I much prefer giveaways of ART more than I would giveaways of CATS. That would just go badly!

    Chris S. cstave () gmail

  17. blank

    Love the car and the art!

    Chris Anderson

  18. blank

    Great interview and kudos to Frank's opinion on variants!! Overkill will ruin the hobby!!!

    Chris Pometto

  19. blank

    cats there fantastic animals...

  20. blank
  21. blogger_logo_round_35

    I want that Reagan in the Background on the top shot.
    It's always interesting to see who the old guard is watching rise up to become the new guard as well.
    Horkey, Stout, Skinner. He obviously has good taste.

  22. blank

    My cat pissed in my lego box when I was a kid. My daughter doesn't have a lego box (yet), but she does have some labbits. The interview was a good read and thanks for the giveaway.
    Grant F

  23. blogger_logo_round_35
  24. fuelly_prof

    Thanks so much for your contribution to the art form Frank!
    Aaron Harlow

  25. blogger_logo_round_35
  26. blogger_logo_round_35

    i used to draw pictures of cats i thought i got the true ecssence of the cat but my mum found it odd that my drawing was rather abstract and said it looked like a picasso painting rather than a fluffy domestic cat :( i guess i was an arty child

  27. blogger_logo_round_35

    I love CATS! Great article by the way.

    Andrew Schultz -

  28. blank

    Science is my art =) I can use cats to do it too!
    Erica R.

  29. blank

    I always wanted a cat... Settled for cat art instead. :D

  30. blogger_logo_round_35

    Blink 182 and cats have something in common, Blink 182's 1st album Cheshire Cat artwork cover says it all!

  31. blank

    everything i ever made in art lessons always fell apart, its safe to say that im never becoming an artist
    J brown

  32. blogger_logo_round_35

    My favourite cat in the world, my cat Floyd who I grew up with ran away about a year ago. Everyone told me this cat was dead, over and over again but I kept telling them that he was still alive. So one day I walked out my front door, started calling for my cat, and no joke, out the bushes across the street I see my CAT floyd walk out. Crazy shit eh?

    Max CT

  33. blogger_logo_round_35

    Mopar=Amazing - I have a '74 Dodge Dart Sport

    Hunter C

  34. blank
  35. blank

    Music and art definitely go hand in hand, and your work is amazing!

  36. blank

    I have several art prints of cats, one being an old cat of mine that was maybe 18 at the time? I dunno, cats just are a lot more stunning than a dog for instance. Ryan Loew

  37. blank

    The only thing better than cats is a bunny with dynamite on its back!

  38. blank

    I hate Cats, Love Franks work. He is a member of my group and contributes periodically.
    Thanks to the both of you for this.

  39. blogger_logo_round_35
  40. blank

    Great interview! I have a cat named art(hur)

    Tucker lincecum

  41. blank

    Mixing Blink with Art by Frank - awesome!
    Miriam Meehan

  42. blank

    Art is beautiful. You can express yourself freely. It's one of those things that everyone can differently interpret which only makes it more special. Everyone can have their own perspective and still be right. It's like thinking song lyrics are about one thing, and the writer says its about another. Either way, it's special to you. Make it what you please.

  43. m

    Holy Cheshire CAT! I'd love to have some ART in my house because.. MOPAR!

    Dylan Medina

  44. blogger_logo_round_35

    Amazing poster for an amazing tour. It embodies culture, irony, & punk rock...perfect for Blink.

    Chelsea Bene

  45. blank

    I had a cat named Skeeter. Lived til he was 15. Love vinyl art by the way...

    dukiedude13 @ aol. com

  46. blank

    Nice interview!
    I only ever had one cat, it adopted us really over Christmas for a month or two until it died, old age you see!

  47. blank

    Art has been something that is really hard to describe just cause soooooo many things can be considered "art." I have had many friends who are art majors at college and each has a unique style, I love it all!


  48. blogger_logo_round_35

    I would be grateful to win any of his art. I'm in love with his work.

  49. blank

    I have a cat, it's called Bob Dylan. I originally called it that 'cause I didn't want my sisters to get another goddamn cat, but they allowed me to pick the name.
    Now when they bring food out for him they have to yell Bob Dylan around the street.

  50. blank

    I have a cat called Alfie, he's black, sometimes he'll just circle me, so I have to wait half an hour before I can move. They're cleverer and more evil than they appear.

    From Sam Stevens
    Might have sent twice, sorry :/

  51. _DSC2022fb

    I had three cats. Now I don't have any.

    Espen Hagås

  52. blank

    Yay cats! Yay art! Yay Frank Kozik! Yay Blink-182!

  53. 022406s

    I love his take on multiple colorways and other crap. I'm one of those completists. I used to try and do the same thing with all the variant covers of comic books and it killed my money and made me bitter towards greedy comic book companies. Same thing with baseball cards and multiple rare, rarer, and rarest versions of the same card. I like that he has integrity, since I have a ton of friends that love him and his work, especially vinyl toy artwork and the like. He's an awesome artist.

  54. blogger_logo_round_35

    I once had a cat. I named him Chairman Meow. I was allergic to him.


  55. blogger_logo_round_35

    Inspiring and unique art by Frank.
    -Yost Hou

  56. blank

    I love art and how there is more than just one form of it, in a way he is bringing many of them together in one picture and no one can say that it says only one story. He has a great mind and imagination that shows with his work, the Blink pictures although of a music band can tell many stories if you let your mind open up and see it! Great work!

  57. blank

    4 speed manual Charger? Classy man Frank, classy man. Love your work and love the Blink posters!

  58. blank

    I love cats, I love every kind of cat, I just wanna hug them all but I can't, can't hug every cat. Can't hug every cat.
    Well anyway, I am a cat lover and I love to run. I'm sorry I'm thinking about cats again - I really love cats.

  59. blank

    This morning I had a brief conversation with my cat, Myles (he has a very British aristocratic sounding name, but that's what he had at the shelter, so we stuck with it).

    He made a noise, and I simply repeated the noise right back at him. I think this confused me, and I suppose it would, I'd be confused if someone just repeated what I said back at me. He made a different noise, and I repeated that too. He stared at me, completely puzzled, so I just gave him some food, as I'm guessing that's what he wanted the whole time.

    These posters are absolutely wonderful.

  60. blank

    ART and music go hand in hand. Both allow someone to get creative and express themselves and both truly inspire other people. These posters are ART
    Johnathan Nichols

  61. blogger_logo_round_35

    Nice to see Kozik back. I dig his crazy detailed line art posters from back in the day, a little more than the collage stuff... hope to see some of that in the new editions.

  62. blank

    I would love to win this art poster or his cat. Thanks.

  63. blank

    I recently wrote a serenade for my cat, (Hurri)cain:


    My name is Mohammad Oweis, and I approve this message

    (also, I love the fact youre using a random number generator; it's a great way to make friends lol)

  64. blank

    I would love to own a Frank Kozik piece of Art AND I love cats!

    Faye Allum

  65. blank

    Cats are awesome, especially cheshire cats!
    Joe L

  66. blogger_logo_round_35
  67. blogger_logo_round_35
  68. blogger_logo_round_35
  69. blank

    Great interview. I completely agree about his take on the "variant" poster editions. There are a few artists that suck that tit dry.

  70. blank

    I had the privilege of silk screening some t shirts for you in the 90's man back in NYC! I am glad to see you are still edgy and have your great sense of humor! Party on!

  71. Krish_Red-Hair-twtr_filtered

    My cat does great back, butt and leg massages... but he might just be wiping his paws in my clothes. :|

  72. blank

    I have two amazing cats called 'reggie' and 'ronnie' named after the infamous UK 'kray twins' my cats aren't criminals or as famous as other people but their awesome and I think this comp is worth a shot as u never know until u try!! I have nothing funny or intelligent to say other than good luck to everyone!!

    Jodie marie

  73. blogger_logo_round_35

    I at one point had three cats, they were pretty epic.
    I have also started collecting art from various artists, and I'm a big fan of Frank Kozik and soon I'll own my own Labbit!

  74. blank

    I'm not sure if I'm allergic to cats or if my hatred of them makes my eyes water and my ears itch but still...
    Jodi Carroll

  75. blank

    This sort of ART Never gets the appreciation it really deserves! I love the style of art and poster are a piece of art!

    Jade Healy

  76. blank

    Cats always land on their feet. It's true....pick one up and throw it across the room.

  77. blank

    Amazing Art! Love the posters! Awesome Interview!

    Alvina Song

  78. blank
  79. blank

    Frank Kozik's work is rad. So are Cats!

    - Chariz Joy Calanday

  80. blank

    Such a great interview. This guy's ART is so sick. I love his stuff, the posters are so awesome.

  81. blank

    I <3 cats.
    I <3 art.
    I <3 dodge.

  82. 32x32+Fleur+De+Lis

    What a cool guy, and cats... yeah!

    - Calvin Nolan

  83. blank

    CATS. Erik Sanchez.

  84. blank

    I am definitely more of a dog person than a cat person!

  85. blank

    tommy wooldridge would enjoy this

  86. blank

    Cat art is so cool! i personally have some and frank is a great artist.
    Kyle Fisher.

  87. blank

    Cats on cats on cats… I love me some blink!

  88. blank

    I saw a cat run on top of a moving car once it survived. It then drank some Milk. It was uber cute

  89. blank

    So glad Frank is back in the poster all his stuff, have my "Topless USA" art show print of his framed on the wall above my computer desk, and still have the stuff sent to me from Mans Ruin when I would write them asking about upcoming releases on the label. It would be killer to feature his cat and car in a gig poster....I am thinking perhaps Iggy Pop!? My cat "Zodie" is my best bud..named after Zodiac

    Cheers! Bryan Simmons

  90. blogger_logo_round_35

    I used to work for MOPAR, now I have a CAT, would rather have ART.

  91. blank
  92. blank


    Name: Bethan Stote


  93. blank

    It's so nice to see Frank getting back to making posters! He brings back the raw, creative, cool element that art is lacking these days. Frank takes time with his work and it shows. He credited with restoring the lost art in concept posters when he first started doing his magic and counties with that movement in the new millennium! Keep it up Frank! You not only bring back the rock poster your posters are rockin cool!

  94. blank

    Although I don't have any cats, I do like one: The cheshire cat.
    This brilliant album by blink is truly art for me. This catchy pop punk tune throughout the album is just great.
    And a blink poster by Frank is also art. It would be great to have one.

    Name: Philipp Sifft

  95. blank

    Your art is so crazy Frank, I hope to own a couple of your pieces one day...what can i say they are all intense!

    Frank your Blink poster is awesome and thank you for giving us the chance to win a print!

  96. blank

    I love my cat, Carina, and I love art, especially Frank's work as a print artist and vinyl figure artist. I love his Labbit pieces and have a few of them. I bought his latest PJ Calgary print and missed the Blink 182 print releases. The seem to go soooo fast from their site, that I havent been able to buy one. Well I was able to buy the MunkOne/Maxx collab, but I got refunded from an oversell. Total bummer, but it what it is. I'd absolutely LOVE to own/frame Frank's Blink182 print. Love it!!@!!

  97. blank

    My Hemi is Hot!
    My Cat is in heat also
    Frank Kozik's The Man!

  98. blank

    Love me some katz and Kozik!

    Chris S

  99. blank

    I just adopted the feral cat who took up residence in our crawl space. I fed her for 4 months before she'd trust me enough to allow me to touch her. Now, she's a sweetheart.

    I'm glad Frank is a 'cat person'.


  100. blank

    I have enjoyed Franks art work for several years but have never been able to purchase on, I've settled for stickers and his vynal toys, glad to see he's doing posters again... Now maybe I can get some without getting ripped off by some dirtbag on eBay...

    Michael Grady

  101. blank

    would love this

  102. blogger_logo_round_35

    Love the artist, adore his cats and would love to add this piece to my collection.

  103. blank

    Awesome stuff!

    Jeff Vilaysane

  104. blank

    Have never really been into cats, but I do enjoy art (like these posters), especially recently.

    -Kelsey Hardt

  105. blogger_logo_round_35

    I have this cat named Boo that takes up a lot of surface area. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I mean he's pushing maximum capacity. If you still have no idea what I'm talking about, I mean he's fat. My cousin tells me I have an unhealthy relationship with my cat. So what if I talk to him more than I should. I have no friends. Just kidding I do. But to put it simply, I love him. People also tell me I have an unhealthy relationship with Blink. So what! I love them, OKAY!
    Signed crazy cat girl and obsessed Blink fan<3
    Sam Ashley

  106. blank

    I have two cats, they're pretty cool, I've had them for ten years... which is fairly old as far as cats go. As for MOPAR, I drive a cheap Chevy... so I wouldn't have a comment on that ;)

  107. blank


    Chris L

  108. blogger_logo_round_35

    I've never had a CAT but they are cute.
    Never really been into MOPAR...
    And well ART is interesting, it's a way in which you get to express yourself or for others to show others how they feel... or just to pass thier highers.

  109. blank

    I just really like cats. Especially my neighbours cat, I would love for you to one day to create a piece of artwork of him.

    However I doubt this is going to happen. Your art is truly incredible, keep at it!

  110. blank

    new fan right here!!! awesome work

    Craig Lynch

  111. blank

    Once upon a time I had a cat called Tikka Massala he was called this because as a kitten he knocked a takeaway tray of curry over and it splattered all across my parents brand new white kitchen walls (it stained) and the cats name stuck.

    Rachelle Louise

  112. blogger_logo_round_35

    Love my Green Day Hawaii poster. Don't love cats so much. And MOPAR? I got an '86 Taurus that does 0-60 in about 3 minutes.

  113. blank

    I like Kozik. I like posters. I like free stuff.

    airisfree @ gmail

  114. blogger_logo_round_35

    Have you ever seen a cat driving a Charger to an art gallery?


  115. blank
    chishnfips()hotmail.comJune 16, 2012 at 11:22:00 AM EDT

    Frank did a signing in London some 13 or so years ago. Bought me the afore mentioned Green Day Hawaii (still hanging) & was opened up to a new art world ever since. Cheers Frank.
    ps You'd need a cat converter to drive that Charger.

  116. blank

    Cool print,sick charger and my cat is evil incarnate.

  117. blogger_logo_round_35

    Love this!

    Laura Peers

  118. blank

    As always this is AWESOME. Love the Charger. Poster ART rocks. ROB

  119. blank

    It is truly inspiring to read Frank's comments. I have been a fan of his work since college. I wrote an essay on music and art which featured Frank's work. To sustain a career over the period of time that he has pays tribute to how talented the guy is.

    Adam Townend

  120. blogger_logo_round_35

    ART is Beautiful

    Without it, the world would be black and white

    Daisy Camacho

  121. blank

    Cats suck, Art Rocks and Kozik definitely rocks! Thanks for another great interview and giveaway!

    Jon Housknecht

  122. blank

    Your artwork is killer! :) On a sidenote, I want to own a sphynx cat, I'd name her Phoebe!

  123. blogger_logo_round_35

    Iv got a cat called cat she loves Blink just as much as i do.

  124. avatar

    Awesome interview and I like cats

    Anne Cobai

  125. blogger_logo_round_35


  126. blogger_logo_round_35

    I love cats - NOT AS MUCH AS BLINK-182 THOUGH
