Thursday, July 18, 2013

Yann Legendre Flesh Empire Show




This Thursday night, in Austin, Foxing Quarterly and Nakatomi are co-hosting an art event featuring food, music, and the amazing art of YANN LEGENDRE.

You can RSVP for the event on Facebook HERE.

Yann is a French illustrator and designer that was originally brought to their attention by the amazing JAY RYAN back when Nakatomi founder, Tim Doyle, was art directing the Mondo series of posters in 2008. This brilliant series of illustrations were originally released in France in very small sold-out editions of 10. Nakatomi is very proud to present these amazing images to a larger audience in a popular edition.

Yann Legendre is an internationally recognized illustrator, designer and art director based in Paris. He has also served as art director for the Foxing Quaterly’s third issue, also being released at the event.

His illustrations have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The New Yorker, and Perspective Magazine, among others. He is the art director of the French magazine Inculte. And he regularly creates illustrations for Universal Music in London, The Steppenwolf Theater in Chicago, Janus Films, and The Criterion Collection in New York.

Yann has been fantastic to work with on this project and very giving of his time and information. Here’s what the award winning illustrator had to say about this series of images-

“I wanted to explore – how our standards of perception of “Beauty” – in the near future - are going to change… based on the technology progress, religions, cultures… and how the body is going to react, adapt… each of these illustrations is an alternative possibility of that.”

Each of these art prints are hand-printed silk-screen images- signed by the artist in numbered editions of 50 each.

These images are extremely powerful and evocative- and represent a unique talent- a singular voice in art that we’ve not seen before in our corner of the silk-screen print collector’s community. Flesh Empire is stark and beautiful, alluring and eerie all at the same time.

Nakatomi is also offering special color variants of the entire series- each only an edition of 10- a variant suggested by Yann as a collaboration between his work and the the Nakatomi print shop- featuring the beautiful randomness of the ‘split fountain’ color blend technique.


Each of these color-blend prints are completely unique- no two are alike. Each are extremely limited- editions are only 10- with only 8 of each being available to the public.

All prints will be available at the event, and any remaining prints will then available the following week on the Nakatomi site.

If you’re in the Austin area, do come out to the event- Information below-
3109 Walling Drive
Thursday June 18th
Food and drinks will be provided throughout the night.

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