Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Jeff Soto Seeker Friend Metal Print On Wood Release



Born in the deepest darkest corners of my nightmares, Jeff Soto debuts his fourth Elemental Seeker: METAL through Prints On Wood. Though he has no eyes, METAL stares deeply into my soul... judging me silently with his blank soulless expression. Now you can hang METAL on your wall and spend many sleepless nights second guessing whether or not you closed that door before you went to bed (after waking up in a cold sweat).

This 6" x 6" / 0.75" thick wood print retails for $30 and will go on sale for a 24 hour timed-release starting Thursday, March 6th at 12:00 pm at the Prints On Wood website. The timed sale will end on Friday, March 7th at 12:00 pm, where METAL will return to the dark embrace of the shadows from whence he came.

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