Thursday, October 30, 2014

Black Keys Edmonton Poster by Gregg Gordon of Gigart

The Black Keys are plowing through Canada and for the Edmonton show Gregg Gordon of Gigart did the poster. The poster is 18x24 inch / 4 color silk screen / Signed edition of 225 posters.

I asked Gregg about the design:
I had been listening to The Black Keys a lot while I was sketching and started putting this together before I even had the gig.
I really just grabbed imagery quick from lyrics of theirs songs as I heard them. When the song Fever starts, it says Where'd you run to? It put an image of a horse running through a field for some reason in my head. Lately I have been combining animal images with human skeletons and skulls…I put one for each band member inside the horse. Then there is a new song on the Turn Blue album called, Bullet In The Brain, which made me think to have a burst of detailed confusion coming out of one of the skulls. Again it is a style of illustration I have been enjoying where I continually draw shapes and designs that organically interweave and get a bit hectic. In this big mess of doodles, I put images I think of from listening to The Black Keys, from a Broken Heart, Guitar, Rooster, Crashed Car, Beer Can, Dice, even the iconic drum of Patrick Carney…and last I wanted the colors to really pop and almost go with their latest color scheme. Overall, I think it came together great. Had a lot of fun with this one.

Gregg will have his artists copies available Thursday, October 30th between 10a-12noon pacific time. Available in his Store at:

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