Monday, March 3, 2014

Chuck Sperry One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Poster World Premiere Exclusive Release From Tommy Good






The Astor Theatre recently had the pleasure of screening the American cinema classic 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'. Over three nights audiences were treated to the second film ever to win all five major Academy Awards; Best Picture, Best Actress in a Lead Role, Best Actor in a Lead Role, Best Director and Best Screenplay (adapted).

To celebrate the screening Tommy Good had another American classic create a poster for them, the awesomely talented artist and printmaker Chuck Sperry!

The Astor Theatre along with Roadshow Entertainment are extremely proud to present One Flew Over The Cuckoo's by Chuck Sperry in a regular and variant edition.

"One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" - Regular
20" x 28" Edition of 200 5 colors on archival cream paper
Artist signed and hand numbered
Printed by Hangar 18

"One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" - Variant
20" x 28" Gold Edition of 40  5 colors on gold metallic paper
Artist signed and hand numbered
Printed by Hangar 18

The posters will be available in the TommyGood store ( on Friday March 7 Morning Sydney, Australia time (after 9am).
Which is Thursday March 6 after lunch Los Angeles time and Thursday late evening London time..

Subscribe to the mailing list on the Tommy Good website and follow their twitter account @thisistommygood for drop info.

Details from Chuck on the creation of the poster:

My first reaction was to make a poster featuring Jack Nicholson, in his role as McMurphy. Then after a few rough drafts, I set about working on a poster featuring Nurse Mildred Ratched, played by Louise Fletcher, the role for which she won the Oscar. Nurse Ratched is a perfect subject for an art piece as America is struggling to reform it's health care system. She is the embodiment of a dehumanizing American medical establishment, a figure without pity, one who punishes the objects of her prejudice through bureaucratic sadism.

I chose to depict Nurse Ratched from the perspective of her victims. The impact of this poster is that it is intended to be a portrait of her, as if it were done in art therapy by one of her patients.  I chose a psychedelic presentation, using psychedelic color theory and using what I've learned about the science of optical perception. I overlaid my psychedelic presentation with techniques drawn from outsider art, or art of the insane.

I remembered the work of artist Louis Wain, the popular and widely published early 20th Century prosaic cat artist.  Wain lost his mind late in his career, either from a progressive schizophrenia, or through exposure to toxoplasmosis (a disease that is often passed to humans by cats). He was institutionalized and started to create incredible cat paintings, which have been published in Psychology textbooks as an illustration of the disintegration of the human mind.

Louis Wain was a perfect starting point for a psychedelic portrait of Nurse Ratched , from the point-of-view of one of her patients.

Wain often employed psychologically troubling, perfectly symmetrical compositions, and toiled with precise and obsessive geometric details which were meticulously mirrored on both sides of his symmetrical paintings. My design utilizes this symmetry and geometric detail to achieve this baffling effect.

The blue forms are crenelated and manifold, so as to maximize the number of boundaries of contact between the two vibrating colors, red and blue.

I used Eye-fry complimentary contrasting color, blue and red, taking care in my studio to custom mix them using fluorescent pigments in powder form, to an equal intensity. In brief, the resulting psychological effect on the optic nerve is that the color receptors are confused where the two colors meet.

Subtly printed over the finished piece is a light translucent grey halftoned portrait of Nurse Ratched, which I also flipped from a xerox and created a perfectly symmetrical face. The symmetrical, light halftone photo a secret image and appears in two ways. One way is to view the poster in UV backlight. The other way is to convert a photo of the poster into black and white (easy to do with the "Willow" or "Inkwell" Instagram filters). The equal red and blues meet at the same value of grey and allow the Nurse Ratched halftone portrait to appear very clearly.

The resulting poster for "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" is a combination of many of the techniques I've learned about printing, design, art aesthetics, psychology and the science of optical perception, appropriately used for one of the greatest American films

Chuck  will be making a very limited release of this poster and it’s variant (his artist copies from the numbered edition) on Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at a random time.

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