Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Abcnt War On Drugs Print




1xRUN have another new artist releasing a print today. The artist is Abcnt, who is a sociopolitical activist/anarchist, the product of mid-nineties expressionism and new-millennium activism, who describes himself as “[a] real west coast hip-hop fanatic, with a kind of militant attitude towards consciousness.” And how does he execute his expression and voice? Through avenues in politically charged street art and music.

The print War on Drugs is a 18 x 24 Inches 9-Color Screen Print on 130lbs Mohawk Vellum Fine Art Paper with a signed and numbered edition of 50

"The original is a few pieces of paper I taped together after drawing it out. I made it shortly after I watched a documentary called 'The House I Live In" which tells a pretty complicated story with ease about the drug war and I wanted to attempt to do something similar and tell a complex story with a simple graphic.

I think it's able to highlight a stupidity everyone can relate to in a quick effective way by pointing out how foolish a literal war against a plant might look like.

We've never been closer to legalizing marijuana in the U.S. than we are now and this print represents the zeitgeist of what we're trying to leave behind." - Abcnt

Buy it at 1xRUN.com

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