Friday, April 15, 2016

Superman Son of Krypton JC Richard Print Release



JC Richard has a new Superman print flying your way and it wont destroy your city or disappoint you.

Son of Krypton" (Solitude #2)
36"x12" Screen print
S/N - xx/200

Details from JC:
I'm still not sure what happened. All I remember is stumbling back to the studio in a kind of mild fury, resentful of the way this new film had treated my beloved hero. So I did as I so often do, sought immediate solace in the past, threw in the 1978 movie and filled my thoughts with Reeve, Ford, Brando, data crystals and classic suit colors.

Watching Superman the Movie for the 500th time, I was again inspired by Jor-El’s sacrifice and lessons, by Pa Kent’s quiet wisdom, by Clark’s extreme kindness even when faced with personal suffering and fear. Over the course of those 2 hours everything else fell away, and Superman became a hero all over again.
 On sale Friday, April 15 at 2PM EDT at

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