Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Iggy and the Stooges Chicago Riot Fest poster by Fugscreens On sale today







FugScreens Studios will be releasing an official Iggy and the Stooges poster this Tuesday. The poster was completed for Riot Fest 2012 in Chicago for the Sunday evening headlining showcase including Elvis Costello and the Imposters and Blackbox. The print is an edition of 75 and has a total of twelve colors, filling a full-bleed dimension of 21"x27". Only thirty will be released through Galerie F this Tuesday, September 18th at 2PM CST.

You maybe wondering what those red squares are in the one shot. That is rubylith, it is hand cut they created this poster the old school way and it took a ton or work. But all that hard work paid off in one killer poster.

Buy it HERE

1 comment:

  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    Clearly inspired by Barney Bubbles concept for the cover of Elvis Costello's May Aim Is True


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