Saturday, September 1, 2012

Tomorrow Nights Pearl Jam Poster by Brad Klausen and Ames Bros



Continuing the theme from the European tour Pearl Jam has Brad Klausen and Ames Bros doing the poster for the show tomorrow night in Philadelphia. The poster is features Ames doing the left side and Brad doing the right side.

This one really kicks ass too. Nice job Brad

The poster is on sale at the Made In America Festival right now. Along with some shirts and other new items.

Brad will be selling copies of both at Flatstock in Seattle starting Sunday... as well as trying to put some up for sale on his site after the show on Sunday night at 9 PM PDT. However once the image is released during the afternoon at some point, he will put copies out for sale at Flatstock... I doubt they'll all sell out before 9 PM so he'll most likely have some for sale at 9 for folks who aren't at Flatstock.

Both Barry and Brad did their own version of this poster then spliced them together... They each have 125 copies of their individual posters and that's it... these won't be sold at the show or through ten club at any point.. only Brad's copies through him and Barry's through Ames.

I can't release Brad's poster until tomorrow. 


  1. blogger_logo_round_35
  2. blank

    So.... the poster is for Pj @ MIA in Philly but its going on sale @ Flatstock in Seattle. Why?!?! (Shaking my fist) Its a small run poster that's 1 of his coolest recent Pj posters. I have no doubt that it'll sell out at Flatstock. If he does hold any back, then he'll be dropping them when most people will be stuck in traffic trying to getting out. Why shutout the people that actually went to the show??


    1. nesting+avatar

      I emailed and talked to Brad on the phone. He thought it was a good idea. But Ames just sent out the email so I guess they did not think so

  3. blank

    More than likely Brad got them done late and couldn't get them to the show...

  4. nesting+avatar

    That is not true. I talked with him on the phone today. If it was up to him he would changed the on sale day. But there are other people involved, I tried helping everyone.
