Sunday, May 24, 2015

Ian Williams Pixies Boston Calling Music Festival Poster


The Pixies are on tour once again and they are playing the Boston Calling Music Festival today and Ian Williams did the poster.

I asked him about the design:

I've been so lucky to be able to make a couple of posters for one of my favorite bands, The Pixies. Especially this one for a hometown show. I like to bring in an element of the city into the posters that I make and for this one I focused on the George Washington statue in the Boston Public Garden. I think it's such a cool statue the way that it's composed with the horse trotting above the viewer. I've been wanting to merge aspects of my painting with the boldness of poster graphics and so I created the tear which exposes this painting underneath it. The merge of the two different approaches for me simulates the band's music which encompasses many different styles molded into a cohesive sound. It was a ton of fun to make this and hope the fans enjoy it.

Poster will be on sale at the show and artist edition later on. 

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