Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Canlove Sedicim Brevis Art Series Release





On Tuesday 1xRUN will introduce you to a truly unique new form of re-purposed art. CAN LOVE is the collaborative alias of American artists DJ Neff and Paul Ramirez. Currently, they collect discarded spray paint cans and process them into works of art at their creative studio, ChalkLA, located in Venice, California.

The duo is best known for giving spray paint cans new life through colorful, whimsical, and conceptually driven artwork. They often share their process and work with others through art exhibitions, installations, and workshops.

In a world that continues to generate more and more spray paint, their mission is to leave no can behind. One of their main goals is to provide our culture with an alternative method for recycling discarded spray paint. By standardizing their methodology and working with other likeminded groups, they've managed to up-cycle over 15,000+ cans by hand. Their primary collection bins are located at the world renown Venice Walls - a long standing mecca of graffiti culture - supported by the STP Foundation and the city of Venice.

"We collect and transform thousands of spray cans, so over time we have noticed how different paint brands dry inside. We often paint the flowers, but for this series we wanted to leave the natural color, pattern, and texture of the can. We feel it’s important to showcase the inner beauty of these cans. We’re fascinated by the natural themes that form within each brand.

As this is our first series with 1xRUN, we thought it would be great to showcase a few completely new flower cuts that have never been seen until now - and may never be seen again. We also thought it would be cool to use a few different brands of spray paint to showcase the way each one dries. Some cans, like MTN94, are flat and patterned while the Montana GOLD have more movement and texture.

We dubbed these flower creations Metaliflora and we’ve been experimenting with different shapes and forms for a few years. We challenged ourselves to create the greatest and most efficient use of one recycled spray paint can. The flower bloomed naturally. This series is partially about us returning to our roots. When we started cutting these flowers we wouldn’t paint them as we often do now. We’ve been venturing into this raw approach with some of our other work. It feels right to introduce it with this series as well.

The can popping process always produces a unique pattern inside the can because as the marble moves around inside it leaves its tracks on the wet paint. Each flower is cut by hand and no two flowers are exactly alike. Each one is completely unique. And every box we shipped had a custom paint job." - Can Love

Each one is an original one of a kind piece of art that is 6 x 6 x 4 Inches 100% Recycled, Hand Cut Montana Aerosol Paint Can.

On Tuesday at NOON EST 25 of these will be released at

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