Thursday, January 22, 2015

Jon Smith Slaughtered Lamb American Werewolf In London English Pub Signs


You maybe wondering what Jon Smith has been up too recently. He has been making some incredible pieces of art.

Here’s Jon's take on the pub sign from An American Werewolf In London for Gallery 1988’s Crazy 4 Cult. He challenged himself to make something more complicated and a  bigger pain in the ass to produce than the Dr. Rockso coke mirrors and.. He succeeded!

These signs, a signed and numbered edition of just 50 pieces measure 17″ x 23″, screen printed(6 colors including metallic silver and gold) on both sides(at Broken Press) on half inch plywood, Jon drilled and carved and sanded out the notches himself and painted the edges as well as drilling the holes for the hanging an extremely cramped work shed at his parents house while he was home for Thanksgiving last year.

The concept was simple Jon wanted to make a pub sign like the one in the film but with the werewolf  illustration matching the actual werewolf in the film which the sign in the film does not.

Buy them in Jon Smith's Store HERE

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