Monday, January 12, 2015

Winner of the John Vogl Shredder Print

Well as you football fans know New England and Seattle won their playoff games this weekend and those games decided who got a chance to win the print by John Vogl. I decided to delete the comments of the people that choose the losing teams so I could use the Random Number Generator to pick a winner.  So if you choose Baltimore and your comment is missing that is why. I did want to see the Ravens win.

So the winner with comment number 4 and he choose Seattle was Steven Piper. Steven email me your address and I will be shipping the poster to you.

Hope the team you wanted to win in the other games took care of business. I wanted to see Peyton make another run for the Super Bowl but it's not happening this year. But Aaron Rodgers and Packers won so that is good.

Thank you again to John Vogl for providing the poster be sure to check out his work at

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